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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
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Centre for Operation of Floating Objects

About COFO

What is the Centre for Operation of Floating Objects?

The Centre for Operation of Floating Objects, Szczecin (COFO- CEOP)+logoPM+photo2
The Centre for Operation of Floating Objects (COFO) is the largest university development project in the West Pomerania region in years.
The Centre includes a dozen of ultra-modern equipped laboratories with permanent access to waterways. The facilities provide our top-level academic staff with the opportunity to research, develop and test innovative maritime technological solutions. 
Students can also access the Centre's equipment and software for their research needed for dissertations, where a long-term, regular research process and in-depth analysis are required.

Visualisation of the Centre for Operation of Floating Objects - view from Dębogórska Street
Centre for Operation of Floating Objects visualisation

What is the range of activities of COFO?

The Centre engages in research on cutting-edge technologies associated with various sectors of the maritime industry, including:
- autonomous, unmanned vessels (scale models)
- positioning systems for crafts operating on the surface and underwater,
- large structures constructed on land and at sea,
- risk and safety management systems for maritime transport,
- research on the development of navigation and e-navigation systems.
Centre for Operation of Floating Objects - view from the Debogorska street

Our long-term development plans

The extended system of interrelated and complementary projects conducted at COFO will enable us to develop research in the following key areas:
- effective risk and safety management systems for maritime transport,
- performance optimisation of waterway systems, ports and vessels in terms of maritime traffic engineering, 
- innovative navigation technologies
- vessel traffic management and navigator decision support intelligent systems
- Intelligent systems for accurate traffic control and positioning of the ocean-going vessels, with special reference to the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization, based in Szczecin, as a leader in the exploration of deep-sea polymetallic nodules in the Pacific
- optimisation of vessel operating conditions on waterways and in ports,
- optimisation of the operating conditions for floating objects working in the water and at the seabed,
- intelligent systems for precise control of floating objects in offshore environment,
- floating objects remote control technologies.
Centre for Operation of Floating Objects - view from Oder riverside  logo MUS
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