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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
MUS Maritime Research and Development Centre logo
Maritime Research and Development Centre

The Council of Ministers approved a long-term programme for new investment near Maritime Research and Development Centre - "Construction of the Polish Maritime Rescue Training Centre".

The project includes the construction of a modern training centre for the maritime industry between 2022 and 2025, the preliminary value of the investment stands at PLN 73,434,000.

What is the Polish Marine Rescue Training Centre (PMRTC)?

The PMRTC will consist of a number of facilities including a modern fire and water safety training centre, multimedia lecture and training rooms and a medical simulation centre. The construction of the PMRTC will significantly increase the level of training provided to maritime staff. Students from a wide range of universities and maritime professionals will attend the training courses bringing them enhanced experience and much-needed skills. For many of them, up-to-date training is an essential requirement for pursuing a career at sea.

The new centre will be the successor to our long-established Marine Rescue Training Centre. Thanks to this major investment, we will be able to offer our students and trainees the necessary skills for their work. They will no longer have to seek such services in foreign centres. - said, during a briefing with journalists on the premises of the future centre, MUS Rector Wojciech Ślączka, PhD, Eng., MUS Professor, Master Mariner. - Such a modern centre will allow us to compete with the most advanced training centres in Europe, - he added.

We are not reducing the pace of investment in the maritime sector nor in maritime education, as it builds its strength -  said Marek Gróbarczyk, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure.
 said Marek Gróbarczyk, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure speaks in front of COFO

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