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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
MUS Maritime Research and Development Centre logo
Maritime Research and Development Centre

The fitting-out contractors are busy carrying out the final works in our flagship facility and the largest university development project in the region in years.

A view from inside the MRDC under construction to the adjacent areas by the Oder River.

The project soon to be completed

Since mid-2020, the contractors have completed the finishing works inside and outside the building. The facade is covered with a cladding that also insulates the building, while the interior is fitted out to suit its various purposes. 

 quotation markThe works are going according to plan, so we are already preparing for the first tenders - they will be held in the autumn of this year so that, along with the completion of construction works, we could proceed with providing the centre with modern research equipment." - explains MUS Rector Wojciech Ślączka, who is also the project manager on MUS behalf.

Above all, the centre will become an ultra-modern facility that will allow our research to advance to a higher level. We will be able to carry out advanced research work, including the positioning of vessels, 'working' in water: on the surface, in the depths of the sea and at the seabed - explains the Rector
The Centre is an important step not only for the university but also for the region and the city of Szczecin. It will become an important research base for local entrepreneurs and institutions for the industry's further development. 

MRDC will be the essence of our missionCentre for Operation of Floating Objects (COFO) view from Dębogórska street

- Its laboratories will be a base for all faculties and courses at the Maritime University of Szczecin," says Artur Bejger, MUS Vice-Rector for Science.
- Many of the MRDC's tasks and activities will be centred around navigation technology, but let us remember that this is only one of the areas that contribute to safe and efficient navigation. The Centre will therefore combine the fields of research on modern propulsion systems, shipping automation, IT solutions, there will also be space for research on mechanical or electrical systems - adds Prof. Bejger.

The total cost of the project - PLN 29 421 939.95.
Level of co-financing - 74.84%.
EU co-financing - PLN 18 001 652,04.
Project completion date: 2021.


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