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Centre for Operation of Floating Objects

COFO was officially opened on May, 27th 2024. Eleven modern and well-equipped laboratories were made operational including 2 large-scale ship models.

The official opening of COFO by cutting the ribbon was performed jointly by MUS Rector Wojciech Ślączka, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure Arkadiusz Marchewka, Marshall of the West Pomeranian Region Olgierd Geblewicz and the Deputy Governor of the West Pomeranian Region, Bartosz Brożyński. The ceremony was also attended by the university's authorities and staff, representatives of the maritime, IT and surveying industries and befriended institutions and universities. After a short presentation about the Centre and speeches given by the Rector, Secretary of State and Marshall, all moved to the nearby quay, where 2 large-scale ship models were presented.
The ship models will take part in research focusing on:
  • automation of autonomous vessels - remote control,
  • risk analysis for the operation of autonomous vessels,
  • construction of mathematical models and algorithms for autonomous control of unmanned vessels,
  • development of communication technology between the onshore service centre and the ship's deck.
Facilities at COFO have permanent access to a waterway, enabling advanced research to be carried out all year round.

11 laboratories were also opened 

Lab managers received their nominations for the positions. The COFO research team will deal with a variety of issues including:
  • automation and autonomous navigation, 
  • navigation and satellite technology,
  • new algorithms for satellite signal analysis,
  • positioning of moving objects - on the water surface or in the deep sea, 
  • development of modern infrastructure, 
  • seabed research,
  • hydro- and cartographic surveys, 
  • safety issues and efficient risk calculation in shipping.

The Centre for Operation of Floating Objects is the largest university investment in the West Pomeranian region in years - a project subsidised by the EU - from the Regional Operational Programme for the West Pomeranian Region, worth a total of PLN 29,172,579.13. 

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