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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
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Maritime Research and Development Centre

Laboratories Laboratory of Large Scale Models Control

Research activities:

Laboratory of Large Scale Models Control has focused its research on the following issues:
  • development of technology for remote control of floating objects,
  • developing integrated navigation systems for use by different kinds of vessels,
  • model remote pilotage system in the Baltic Sea as a prototype for an all-European system,
  • innovative ICT navigation technologies,
  • remote control of automatic equipment installed on fixed or floating marine structures.

The Laboratory will serve as a control and manoeuvring unit for the entire COFO and adjacent waters.

In particular, it will monitor scale models operating in a non-autonomous (manned) mode, it will also be used for remote control of the models performed by an operator using the consoles fitted in the laboratory.
The laboratory will be equipped with a stereoscopic remote control system with a first-person POV available. This allows a nearly realistic assessment of the real-time navigational situation affecting the scale model at any given time.
This system will include cameras installed on floating objects, a visual signal encoder, a wireless transmission channel, a visual signal decoder and stereoscopic goggles linked to LCD monitors. The goggles will be equipped with a set of gyroscopes, allowing to control the rotation and tilt of the cameras installed on the floating object.
Autor: Website Administrator

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