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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
MUS Maritime Research and Development Centre logo
Maritime Research and Development Centre

Laboratories Laboratory of Inland Vessels Stability and Operation

Research activities:

Laboratory of Inland Vessels Stability and Operation has focused its research on the following issues:
  • simulating the river debris movements,
  • hydrological modelling within a designated area,
  • ship voyage guidance based on hydrological data,
  • analysis of inland vessel traffic flows.
The Laboratory will carry out research and development work for the inland waterway sector and develop projects aimed to improve navigability on the Oder and other rivers in Poland. Detailed analyses will be carried out on the operating parameters of the inland waterways: the hydrometeorological conditions - navigational and the stability, also the transport capacity of inland vessels.

Latest maritime software available

Equipping the laboratory with specialised software such as IALA IWRAP Mk 2 will enable to determine the safe manoeuvring areas on inland waters and develop the risk reduction methods. The research will address vessel traffic flows and the analysis of inland vessel operations.
The research will also include the analysis of inland vessel trajectories to determine safe manoeuvring areas (collision prevention). The laboratory will also carry out research on river hydrology. With the Mike Hydro River and Mike 21C programme, it will be possible to control the spread of sediment and to control inland waterway dredging operations to ensure adequate transit depth.
Research conducted at the Laboratory will also address the potential use of the Port of Szczecin as a transhipment facility where cargo from sea-going vessels will be reloaded and transported through the inland waterways system.
The installed research equipment will lead to many analyses and studies on the potential of inland waterway freight transport. The laboratory will be equipped with state-of-the-art research apparatus, analytical software and equipment to support the presentation and archiving of work results.
Autor: Website Administrator

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