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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
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Maritime Research and Development Centre

Laboratories Laboratory for the Positioning of Floating Objects in Motion

Research activities:

Laboratory for the Positioning of Floating Objects in Motion (Motion Lab) will be used for research on supporting activities of the operation of floating objects.
This will include modern methods of navigating the objects, i.e. ships, oil rigs, offshore installations and floating marine structures.

The Laboratory will also focus its research on the following issues:
  • positional data fusion methods in Kalman filter zone for DP system
  • mathematical models for consistency and reliability of navigation data within IBS, INS, DP systems,
  • new methods for positioning moving objects through the use of artificial intelligence,
  • the possibilities of using "low cost" navigation sensors for the positioning of floating objects.
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