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logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark
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Centre for Operation of Floating Objects


Innovation, Partnership, Development

The Centre for Operation of Floating Objects is a state-of-the-art research facility with particular emphasis on projects related to the innovative maritime industry.
COFO is fitted with the most advanced measuring and testing equipment, computing suite and with its waterfront location and highly motivated and experienced staff is capable to deliver world-class bespoke solutions for the maritime sector key players.
The Centre for the Operation of Floating Objects- view from Oder river
COFO brings together a broad group of engineers, professionals and researchers across different disciplines and subjects, whose work aspires to advance knowledge in modern maritime technologies involving diverse domains.

The integration of research and business environments has found fertile ground in COFO which enables entrepreneurs, based on a pro-innovative approach, to develop, test and commercialise new technologies, products and services. This, subsequently, supports the economic potential development, builds mutually profitable partnerships with industry and raises the level of competitiveness and delivers long-term benefits for the West Pomerania region.
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